Listing framework
It looks like there are going to be new options to customize the display of lists inside the application. Just like with the current Edit Entry or Edit Page screen you will be able to pick which fields will be displayed in the various tables in the application (entries, pages, categories...) and it also looks like you can sort by any column you like:
Not only that, but filtering also seems to get a lot more powerful:
Category sorting
From this screenshot it looks like MT users will finally be able to determine an order for the various categories of a blog, which will make it easier to display a list of category archives etc. in just the order you want:
System level
I'm not sure, but I think this screenshot means we will finally be able to manage (publish, delete...) entries from system level. If this also works for comments, it will be great news for moderators.
Include and Exclude
his screenshot seems to indicate that include_blogs and exclude_blogs arguments will finally be able to be used together. This will make creating custom search results pages for just a subset of your installation much easier I think.
Thanks for that. Until we get some formal announcements, that's an intriguing start. :)
There's also an easier way to call the parent site templates from within a child blog. It's not as easy as what I suggested and expected (automatic fallback to the parent blog, then fallback to global templates) but it's better than the current situation.