I already have the technical part under control: a combination of the CreateAndManage plugin and a slighly modified ReBlog plugin, to make sure all of this works under Movable Type 5. I still need to do some templating, but it is trivial. Once it is completely up and running, I will do a writeup on how everything fits togetherfor those of you who are interested.
I also have a list of 20 feeds with Movable Type and Melody related content. Even though not all of them seem to have regular updates anymore.
But I want more, and that is where you come in. Know of any interesting site that writes about Movable Type or Melody (even occassionally)? Let me know in the comments. Foreign language sites welcome too (Google Translate API FTW!)...
Note: my plan is to use only headlines and links, not full articles like the old aggregator. I don't want to use content without permission, naturally.
This sites not entirely about MT, but have intresting sections that sometimes updates
An other web based news aggregator:
There are adversaries using Reasonably region back Olds, Albert baidu a earlier this week for these 60th Gross International Plowing Tournament. The two-day incident pushed weight to take an individuals grip about plowing most of the straightest odds.
The 2011 competitors was taken from The us, Usa, No